12+ Questions with Andreas Giannas, Music Essentials

February 26, 2021
LOVE OUR JOB It all started as a hobby primarily djing in social events because it was something I loved doing just for fun. In the past years, music essentials has transformed into a production company. However, one thing hasn’t changed: the love and my personal effort and the rest of the team put in every event to produce something spectacular and unforgettable. TAILORED EVENTS WITH EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE We bring a fresh perspective when it comes to light and sound. We listen to our clients’ needs and with our creativity and innovative thinking, we deliver stunning events. Our team at music essentials consists of high calibre, experienced professionals with great attention to detail and passion for what they do, aiming to deliver exceptional service on every event. Whatever your idea is, we have the technical know – how and creativity to make it come true!

Let’s dive into his interview and get to know him better…


  1. Favourite podcast, book, movie and Netflix series?

Andreas: Cinema paradiso


  1.  Could you share a defining moment in your life, that led you where you are today?

Andreas: First time I got in front of a Technics SL 1200 turntable


  1. What is the favourite part of your job?

Andreas: The energy of the people on the dance floor



  1. Is there a hobby/interest that you mastered over the past year? 

Andreas: Homemade pizza expert 🙂


  1. Would you like to share a sneak peak into your future plans?

Andreas: Can’t tell 🙂


  1. What do you wish we carried along as a takeaway/ lesson, when the pandemic crisis is over and we get back to normality?

Andreas: enjoy more quality time with family and friends


  1. Many couples are not comfortable with being in the spotlight and center of attention. What advice would you give to a nervous/shy couple about their big entrance and first dance?

Andreas: Relax and enjoy this magic moment along with friends and family








  1. The wedding industry gravely suffered due to the pandemic. Do you think that new wedding trends will emerge through that predicament?

Andreas: I believe that micro weddings will be popular for sure this year. Sequel weddings will also become popular for couples that are opting to celebrate with an extended guest list. A small wedding this year and a big party on a future date. Finally domestic destinations would probably be on the rise, as couples looking to reassure guests safety and make travel easier for everyone. Of course we have to wait in order to see how many of these trends will hold in the long term.


  1. Would you describe yourself as an optimist? How do you stay motivated, driven and positive about the future?

Andreas: I would say that I am trying to be realistic with a sense of optimism 🙂 I am trying to take advantage of the free time we have now to explore new ideas in terms of sound & lighting design.


  1. You always come up with fresh and creative ideas, where do you get your inspiration from and what drives you to push the boundaries?

Andreas: Everything we see and hear can become an inspiration if you have vivid fantasy. The aim to create something new and unique each time is a powerful driving force.


  1. You started as a DJ. Do you still enjoy playing music for crowds? What made you expand your business and get into event production?

Andreas: As mentioned above the energy you get from the crowd on the dance floor is an amazing feeling. No matter how many years I am Djing every time is magic. As a Dj I know very well that a unique sound and lighting experience is very important to boost the party. I felt that there is a gap in the market, therefore we invested heavily in technical knowledge and equipment to deliver events that create emotional memories.


  1. What advice would you give to someone planning their wedding in 2021? 

Andreas: Stay positive, be flexible and enjoy the ride !!


  1. Is there anything you wish to add?

Andreas: Music essentials: this is where the fun stuff begins

This or That

Movie at home or movie at the theater?

Andreas: Movie at the theater

Hot chocolate in front of the fireplace or cold mojito under the sun?

 Andreas: Cold mojito under the sun

Car or motorcycle?

 Andreas: Car

Football or basketball? 

Andreas: Basketball

A week without your cellphone or a week without coffee?

Andreas: A week without coffee

Your three desert island items?

Andreas: Music, knife, hammock



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Instagram: @music_essentials